Xinhua News Agency (London) visited Ms Jane Bateman
The Football Association - Head of International Relations
The Sino-UK School Football Project is supported by the FA's training system.
Shao-Qiang Zheng, CEO of Dr. Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, who proposed the project, says that the FA will start the coaches training program in selected schools this September.
Applicants will be chosen from 72 primary and secondary schools in 62 Chinese cities, and will include general curriculum teachers, that is, not just gym teachers.
This week, CNC correspondent had an exclusive interview with Jane Bateman, head of FA international relations, to find out more.
"For us to be able to look forward to developing a project for over 15 years, i think it's excellent, because football changes the way we might want to run it changes, but it also really gives you the opportunity to properly get to know what you want to achieve project, what China's objectives are, what England's objectives are, I think to be able to build a relationship to build a mutual understanding over a period such as 15 years it's really important goal to try to achieve, so I'm very pleased that agreement was reached, because I think it could only be beneficial to both parties."
According to Bateman, to enhance the next generation of professional and star players from around the world, football training is a huge priority for the FA.
"It has several interpretation in terms of how we delivery it, the FA has three called objectives in terms of how we govern the game, so one is governing the game effectively, two is building winning teams, and third is developing the game, so make football accessible to all, so those latitude points are really important, because without education, you are not going to achieve those objectives."
Referees, medics and administrators are also included in the joint training project.
The Football Association was formed in 1863. It's the oldest football association in the world and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the amateur and professional game in England.
This year is the FA's 150th anniversary. Bateman said the ongoing Sino-UK football project has made significant improvements in football industry.
"I think that in 150 years being able to establish and start the partnership with the project is really important for us, it's significant, because there will be several landmarks this year in our anniversary year which we want to celebrate, and I think to the launch of this project, particularly being international project will be really important, and it will be even some more emphasis I think by virtual it being such a special year for the FA."
Meanwhile, China's soccer authority has officially announced that it's decided to end the contract with national team coach Jose Antonio Camacho.The 58-year-old agreed to step down without incident. After the Chinese national football slumped to a record low in the FIFA rankings in March, fans across the country had called for Camacho to be sacked.
From: CNC report from London - China, UK to launch football project
经过2008年北 京奥运会,全球已见证了中国是世界一流的体育强国,唯独中国的足球事业却一直远远滞后于其它传统强项,与其体育强国地位不符。对此,中国国家副主席习近平 在2009年10月参观德国拜耳先灵制药厂期间也说:“举办完奥运会之后,既然其它的运动中国可以获得金牌,那么我们也下定决心一定要把足球搞上去,不过 这个时间会很长”。而中国的其他领导人也对中国足球事业的发展表示过高度的关心和重视。
“中英校园足球合 作”由“孙中山青少年基金会”组织发起,在“英格兰校园足球协会”、英国有关著名足球俱乐部,以及支持中国足球教育事业和产业改革的热心朋友帮助下,艰苦 经营近八年。虽然经历了众多困难与阻力,但“孙中山青少年基金会”在2006年1月26日邀请中国主管体育文化交流的官员一行四人赴英国参加“英格兰校园 足球协会”成立102周年庆典,对历史悠久的英国校园足球教育有了进一步的了解和认识。同年8月,在“孙中山青少年基金会”资助下,中国校园U18足球队 来英参加首次交流学习,使“中英校园足球合作”成功走出了第一步。时任英国首相布莱尔在2005年9月6日访问北京期间,亲自来到球场与中国足球小将相互 切磋球艺,并明确指出希望把英国青少年足球教育课程和管理理念引入中国,促进中英足球产业的合作,树立为英国对华文化交流合作的一个重要项目。
目前,中英正处于 2008年北京奥运会和2012年伦敦奥运会之间的历史时期,双方不断加强在体育领域的合作,英国在足球产业文化上有传统强大的创意、理念和管理人才,而 中国已有30年经济改革的基础,年轻人消费市场每年都以高增长率不断扩大。现在中国最高领导层正严厉地整治中国足球腐败等问题,为中国足球的长远工程营造 一个接受新闻媒体和人民参与监督、受法规管理的可持续发展环境。在破与立的同时,从娃娃抓起,为严重匮乏后备人才的中国足球建立新的人才储备,通过校园足 球重新激发青少年对足球运动的兴趣,打造青少年足球专业人才链,为职业联赛不断输送生力军,促进足球运动在中国的全民普及。
“中英校园足球合作”的发展重点是在中国广大教师队伍中培养对执教校园足球有浓厚兴趣的本土教师成为业余或专业校园足球教练,推广目前英国各大校园和著名俱乐部青少年部使 用的U18足球教材、先进的足球教育理念和管理制度等。我们亦期待全球足球爱好者,中国文化部、中国教育部、各省市地方政府和教育厅,中国工商界,以及对 足球有兴趣的中外友好人士对“中英校园足球合作”的关心和支持。我们希望在“中英校园足球合作”落实到中国校园并全面推广后,能为每年定期展开的“全国青 少年校园足球活动”增加一份力量,真正将当代西方“大众足球”和“健康美丽足球”的教育理念引入中国,在建成效益后,以足球事业的成功改革为榜样,带动中 国其他文化体育事业的全面改革成功,创造新的民族核心竞争力,使投资体育文化产业成为国民经济GDP的新增长点,确保国家税收的持续增长,为国民增加就业 机会,发掘和培养具有高等学历并掌握中西方文化知识,具备时尚思维、高雅品德和民族精神的新一代中国足球精英,为中国打造可比肩贝利、马拉多纳、贝克汉 姆、欧文、鲁尼等的国际足球巨星,为支持中国的繁荣昌盛付出一点力量。
中英校园足球项目训练课程为18岁以下(U18)的中国学员提供最专业、最 有趣的英式足球培训课程。主要英方教员挑选自拥有FIFA、UEFA、FA、ESFA 顶级教练执照的教练。不论水平高低,只要对足球运动有兴趣,学员都能在这里找到最合适的足球训练内容。课程分别在暑假和寒假期间举行,每个年龄组的单个课 程时间设置皆为7-21天。在这7-21天中,我们的小球员将可以深入接触到世界公认的高水平英式足球教育,包括个人技术、心理学、运动营养学、身体素质 训练、团队战术、足球科学管理、英式足球历史和文化等。参加“中英校园足球合作”的学员还可以提高英语语言能力并加深认识英国文化。我们欢迎中国大陆、台 湾、香港和澳门爱好足球的在校学生以及有兴趣从事足球教育的在校教师索取“中英校园足球合作”训练课程的有关资料。
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